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Santa Rosa, Sinifa & Santa Rita Reservoirs

Total Amount: $29,341,608.77

Completion Date:  2019


Scope of Work:

Santa Rosa Reservoir Site: Demolition of existing facilities, including the existing pump building, chain link fences and gates, fuel tank and containment pit, yard piping and appurtenances and the construction of the Santa Rosa Water Reservoir No.2. This includes a one 1.0 million (MH) nominal capacity pre-stressed concrete water tank, a new building housing, a control room and booster pump station, earthwork, standby generator and fuel system, sire work, piping, utility tie-in connecting, protective coatings, flow meters, valves, concrete vaults, concrete retaining walls, concrete headwalls, roadways shown and specified, complete and operable. Off-site work includes installation of piping and valves at various locations. Work also includes an intertie between the GWA water system and the Department of Defense (DoD) water system including connections, piping, metering, valves, and vaults.


Santa Rita Reservoir Site: Demolition of existing facilities including the existing reservoir, chain link fences, gates, yard piping, appurtenances and the construction of the Santa Rita Water Reservoir. This includes a one 1.0 million gallon (MG) nominal capacity pre-stressed concrete water tank supported by pile foundation, a new building housing a control room, earthwork, access road, utility repairs and improvements, site working, piping, utility tie-in connections, protective coatings, flow meters, valves, concrete vaults, concrete retaining walls, concrete headwalls, roadways, fencing, electrical, instrumentation and controls, testing, start-up, and appurtenant work. Off-site work includes installation of piping and valves at various locations including PRV stations.


Sinifa reservoir site: demolition of existing facilities, including the existing reservoir, chain link fences, gates, yard piping, appurtenances and the construction of the Sinifa Water Reservoir. This includes one 1.0 million gallon (MG) nominal capacity pre-stressed concrete water tank, a new building housing, control room, fueling system, improvements for existing standby generator, earthwork, access road improvements, site work, reinforced concrete retaining walls, piping utility tie-in connections, protective coatings, flow meters, valves, concrete vaults, concrete retaining walls, concrete headwalls, roadways, fencing, electrical, instrumentation and controls, testing, start-up, and appurtenant work, complete and operable

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